I'll fill this in once I've decided what the heck I'm gonna do with this thing.
and my undying addiction.
Published on August 23, 2004 By DJRobzilla In Gaming
No matter how many times I try, I can't shake it. Diablo II is in my blood. I tell myself, "It's boring. It's repetitive. There's nothing new for you to see anymore." Still, I come back to it again and again, like some old, unbreakable habit. Haven't I wasted enough hours of my life playing that drivel? Suppose not.

Diablo II, despite my ranting, is a rewarding game. For the first few months. After that it's like some pavlovian excercise, killing the next goblin merely because I am conditioned to. The sad thing is, I've been playing for four years....

This is worse than ciggarette smoke.

Warn your family. Your friends. Tell everyone to get as far away as possible.

Then again, at least it's not Everquest I'm addicted to. Then there would be no hope for salvation...

on Aug 23, 2004
You know, I purchased Diablo years ago. Played to about the 14th level with a knight, and had to stop because all he could do was melee. Tried later with a Rogue, but then reformated and never finished.

So why oh why did I buy Diablo II? I don't really know, but I saw it on sale and just had to buy it. One of these days I will finish the first so I can move onto the second.
on Aug 23, 2004
No. You don't know what that will unleash. Do not buy Diablo II! Just trust me on this one.
on Aug 24, 2004
Diablo is fun. I think the second one is more addictive than the first one, but the first one was more detailed and spookier.

May all your findings be golden and your fields be covered in green, BobtheGoat.